Thursday, June 27, 2019

6/27/2019 Exhibit and Presentation "Remediating Stevenson's Hawai'i"

There will be a presentation, "Remediating Stevenson's Hawai'i," by Michelle Keown and Solomon Enos, today (6/27) in the Sullivan Family Library at 3PM.  This presentation opens the exhibition by Solomon Enos and is part of the conference Scotland and the South Seas: Writing the Wide Pacific.

"This presentation and exhibit showcase a range of graphic adaptation work by Hawaiian artist Solomon Enos, including a set of preliminary sketches for a planned graphic remediation of two Robert Louis Stevenson stories - 'The Bottle Imp' and 'The Isle of Voices' - set in Hawai'i.  Also on display will be completed graphic adaptations of the two stories produced from the collaboration between students and staff from the Edinburgh University Literature Faculty and Edinburgh College of Art." 
 -- From the conference program, available at

 The exhibit will run through June 29, 9AM-6PM.

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