Monday, August 27, 2012

Fall 2012 Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:15 am - 10:00 pm
Friday 8:15 am -6:00 pm
Saturday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Closed on holidays:
Monday, September 3 Labor Day
Monday, October 8 Discoverers' Day
Monday, November 12 Veterans Day
Thursday/Friday, November 22-23 Thanksgiving

Library Catalog Upgrades

The library catalog received some useful updates over the summer and it now provides:
  1. Book covers in search results -- helps you locate books on the shelves!
  2. Table of contents -- get an idea if the book has the content that you need.
  3. Book summaries -- brief summaries of the book.
  4. First chapters -- review the first book chapter online to see if it's what you need.
Please note that not all books listed in the catalog will have all of the additional information, but many should.

Remember: if you need help with anything, please stop in and ask a librarian -- we are here to help!